{ "type":"link", "version":"1.0", "provider_name":"Djem Guerreru Inc.", "provider_url":"https://www.djemguerreru.com", "cache_age":21600, "title":"Zone Paging Module for PCM2000", "author_name":"JOITO's", "author_url":"https://www.joitos.com", "thumbnail_url":"https://cdn.joitos.com/GENERAL/98/984/9847/9847766.V0.jpg", "thumbnail_width":400, "thumbnail_height":250, "url":"https://www.joitos.com/item/25385346/Zone%2DPaging%2DModule%2Dfor%2DPCM2000", "description":"- Provides three zones of paging to the PCM2000 system- Up to three modules can be used in a basic system to provide up to 9 paging zones.- Additional modules can be combined with a PCMZPM module in a satellite system when more than 9 zones are required.- Programmable talk back option and background music options for each zone- Each zone can be connected or disconnected from the background music bus.", "price":116.28, "currency_code":"USD", "quantity":1, "category":"Electronics & computer--Phone & telecom--Other" }