{ "type":"link", "version":"1.0", "provider_name":"Djem Guerreru Inc.", "provider_url":"https://www.djemguerreru.com", "cache_age":21600, "title":"60W amplifier", "author_name":"JOITO's", "author_url":"https://www.joitos.com", "thumbnail_url":"https://cdn.joitos.com/GENERAL/10/103/1038/10384291.V0.jpg", "thumbnail_width":400, "thumbnail_height":250, "url":"https://www.joitos.com/item/26170802/60W%2Damplifier", "description":"- 3 models: 35, 60, and 100 watts- 4 inputs: 1 MIC, 1 AUX, 1 TEL, plus 1 selectable MIC or AUX- Each input controlled by an independent volume control- Treble and bass controls- AUX muting by external contact closure for push-to-talk microphones- TEL input for telephone paging applications- TEL input voice-activated (VOX) mute over AUX input- Variable threshold for TEL input voice-activated AUX mute- Outputs for 4-ohm (direct), 8-ohm (C35 & C60 models only), and 16-ohm, 25V and 70V speaker systems (transformer coupled)- Output jack to connect a recording device or booster amplifier- Output jack to connect a general-purpose 600-ohm matching transformer (model WMT1A)- Thermal protection and electronic shutdown- Rack mountable with accessory mounting kit (model RPK50)- Listed to UL standard 60065 for US and Canada", "price":397.68, "currency_code":"USD", "quantity":4, "category":"Electronics & computer--Phone & telecom--Other" }