{ "type":"link", "version":"1.0", "provider_name":"Djem Guerreru Inc.", "provider_url":"https://www.djemguerreru.com", "cache_age":21600, "title":"Navionics Navionics+ Regions - West - Preloaded MSD Format", "author_name":"JOITO's", "author_url":"https://www.joitos.com", "thumbnail_url":"https://cdn.joitos.com/GENERAL/18/181/1817/18179507.V0.jpg", "thumbnail_width":400, "thumbnail_height":250, "url":"https://www.joitos.com/item/35774938/Navionics%2DNavionics%2B%2DRegions%2D%2D%2DWest%2D%2D%2DPreloaded%2DMSD%2DFormat", "description":"
Navionics+ Regions - West - Preloaded MSD Format
Boat safer and fish smarter. Max-detailed cartography for marine and lakes that is updated daily, makes Navionics+ the perfect choice for cruising and fishing. Get Nautical Chart, the most accurate navigational data; SonarChart™, an exclusive 1 ft HD bathymetry map; and Community Edits, local content from the community. Daily updates and advanced features are included for one year. Simply plug your card into your PC/Mac and register at navionics.com. USB reader provided.
NAV+WE: West Coverage Details