p strong Ultimate 747 24V 2-Speed 7 Fan w Lighter Plug - White strong p p em Caframos most popular marine fan Fingersafe blade allows for maximum airflow 2 speed options em p p Industry recognized and a long time favorite of sailors The model 747 Ultimate 24 Volt DC fan is recognized by Practical Sailor magazine as a Best Buy in the marine market It features a Fingersafe blade that does not require a protective grill and has a shock-absorbing leading edge that flexes when it is stopped The resulting maximum airflow makes the 747 Ultimate the top choice for sailors heading to hot humid climates p p strong Features strong p ul li Two speeds li li Comes with two mounting options permanent or removable suction cup li li Long life low power drawing motor li li Adjustable base and tilting head li ul p strong Benefits strong p ul li Maximum airflow li li Easy to clean li li Easy to install li li Quiet dependable operation li li Direct air in any direction li li Match any boat interior li li Fan stays in place in rough seas li ul --- cis2 mmxtmJVt --- br
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