p strong Ultimate 757 24V 2-Speed 7 Fan - Direct Wire - White strong p p em Direct wire only FingerSafe blade allows for maximum airflow 2 speed options em p p The 757 Ultimate 24V DC fan has long been a favorite among Caribbean sailors where good boat ventilation is a must The two speed motor and FingerSafe blade move large masses of air throughout the boat from the V-berth to the galley This is the fan that will let boaters enjoy their boating investment p p strong Features strong p ul li Two speeds li li Direct wire li li Comes with permanent mounting option li li Long life low power drawing motor li li Adjustable base and tilting head li ul p strong Benefits strong p ul li Maximum airflow li li Easy to clean li li Easy to install li li Quiet dependable operation li li Direct air in any direction li li Match any boat interior li li Fan stays in place in rough seas li ul --- cis2 mmxtmJVt --- br
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