p strong Euro Black 2 Ammeter Gauge 60-0-60 Amps strong p p Faria Euro Black gauges feature perimeter-lighted black dial with bold White graphics Black aluminum bezel contoured White pointer and flat glass lens p p An ammeter indicates the current flow through the battery charging system A zero center ammeter during chargine shows a positive reading indicating the current is flowing to the battery charge A - negative reading indicates current flowing away from the battery discharge p p 2 - Hole size 2 0625 53mm nbsp p p strong Specifications strong p ul li Standard 16-32V li li Scratch Resistant Lens li li Black Aluminum Bezel li li White Contoured Pointer li ul p Factory P N AP9523 p table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 width 61 tbody tr height 19 td height 19 width 61 br td tr tbody table --- cis2 mmxtmJVt --- br
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